clang Command Examples
Compile C, C++, and Objective-C source files. Can be used as a drop-in replacement for GCC. Part of LLVM. More information:
- Compile multiple source files into an executable:
clang {{path/to/source1.c path/to/source2.c ...}} {{[-o|--output]}} {{path/to/output_executable}}
- Activate output of all errors and warnings:
clang {{path/to/source.c}} -Wall {{[-o|--output]}} {{output_executable}}
- Show common warnings, debug symbols in output, and optimize without affecting debugging:
clang {{path/to/source.c}} -Wall {{[-g|--debug]}} -Og {{[-o|--output]}} {{path/to/output_executable}}
- Include libraries from a different path:
clang {{path/to/source.c}} {{[-o|--output]}} {{path/to/output_executable}} -I{{path/to/header}} -L{{path/to/library}} -l{{library_name}}
- Compile source code into LLVM Intermediate Representation (IR):
clang {{[-S|--assemble]}} -emit-llvm {{path/to/source.c}} {{[-o|--output]}} {{path/to/output.ll}}
- Compile source code into an object file without linking:
clang {{[-c|--compile]}} {{path/to/source.c}}
- Optimize the compiled program for performance:
clang {{path/to/source.c}} -O{{1|2|3|fast}} {{[-o|--output]}} {{path/to/output_executable}}
- Display version:
clang --version