llm Command Examples
Interact with Large Language Models (LLMs) via remote APIs and models that can be installed and run on your machine. More information: https://llm.datasette.io/en/stable/help.html.
- Set up an OpenAI API Key:
llm keys set openai
- Run a prompt:
llm "{{Ten fun names for a pet pelican}}"
- Run a system prompt against a file:
cat {{path/to/file.py}} | llm {{[-s|--system]}} "{{Explain this code}}"
- Install packages from PyPI into the same environment as LLM:
llm install {{package1 package2 ...}}
- Download and run a prompt against a model:
llm {{[-m|--model]}} {{orca-mini-3b-gguf2-q4_0}} "{{What is the capital of France?}}"
- Create a system prompt and save it with a template name:
llm {{[-s|--system]}} '{{You are a sentient cheesecake}}' --save {{sentient_cheesecake}}
- Have an interactive chat with a specific model using a specific template:
llm chat {{[-m|--model]}} {{chatgpt}} {{[-t|--template]}} {{sentient_cheesecake}}