pio team
Manage PlatformIO teams. More information: https://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/core/userguide/team/.
- Create a new team with the specified description:
pio team create --description {{description}} {{organization_name}}:{{team_name}}
- Delete a team:
pio team destroy {{organization_name}}:{{team_name}}
- Add a new user to a team:
pio team add {{organization_name}}:{{team_name}} {{username}}
- Remove a user from a team:
pio team remove {{organization_name}}:{{team_name}} {{username}}
- List all teams that the user is part of and their members:
pio team list
- List all teams in an organization:
pio team list {{organization_name}}
- Rename a team:
pio team update --name {{new_team_name}} {{organization_name}}:{{team_name}}
- Change the description of a team:
pio team update --description {{new_description}} {{organization_name}}:{{team_name}}