iw dev
Show and manipulate wireless devices. For a list of channels, frequencies and reg information: https://wireless.docs.kernel.org/en/latest/en/developers/documentation/channellist.html. More information: https://wireless.docs.kernel.org/en/latest/en/users/documentation/iw.html.
- Set device to monitor mode (interface must be down first. See also
ip link
sudo iw dev {{wlp}} set type monitor
- Set device to managed mode (interface must be down first):
sudo iw dev {{wlp}} set type managed
- Set device WiFi channel (device must first be in monitor mode with the interface up):
sudo iw dev {{wlp}} set channel {{channel_number}}
- Set device WiFi frequency in Mhz (device must first be in monitor mode with the interface up):
sudo iw dev {{wlp}} set freq {{freq_in_mhz}}
- Show all known station info:
iw dev {{wlp}} station dump
- Create a virtual interface in monitor mode with a specific MAC address:
sudo iw dev {{wlp}} interface add "{{vif_name}}" type monitor addr {{12:34:56:aa:bb:cc}}
- Delete virtual interface:
sudo iw dev "{{vif_name}}" del