pihole Command Examples
Manage the Pi-hole ad-blocking DNS server. More information: https://docs.pi-hole.net/main/pihole-command.
- Check the Pi-hole daemon's status:
pihole status
- Update Pi-hole and Gravity:
pihole {{[-up|updatePihole]}}
- Start or stop the daemon:
pihole {{enable|disable}}
- Update the lists and flush the cache without restarting the DNS server:
pihole reloaddns
- Update the list of ad-serving domains:
pihole {{[-g|updateGravity]}}
- Allow or deny the specified domain:
pihole {{allowlist|denylist}} {{example.com}}
- Search the lists for a domain:
pihole {{[-q|query]}} {{example.com}}
- Open a real-time log of connections:
pihole {{[-t|tail]}}