aws pricing
Query services, products, and pricing information from Amazon Web Services. More information:
- List service codes of a specific region:
aws pricing describe-services --region {{us-east-1}}
- List attributes for a given service code in a specific region:
aws pricing describe-services --service-code {{AmazonEC2}} --region {{us-east-1}}
- Print pricing information for a service code in a specific region:
aws pricing get-products --service-code {{AmazonEC2}} --region {{us-east-1}}
- List values for a specific attribute for a service code in a specific region:
aws pricing get-attribute-values --service-code {{AmazonEC2}} --attribute-name {{instanceType}} --region {{us-east-1}}
- Print pricing information for a service code using filters for instance type and location:
aws pricing get-products --service-code {{AmazonEC2}} --filters "{{Type=TERM_MATCH,Field=instanceType,Value=m5.xlarge}}" "{{Type=TERM_MATCH,Field=location,Value=US East (N. Virginia)}}" --region {{us-east-1}}