pamundice Command Examples
Combine a grid of Netpbm images into one. See also:
. More information:
- Combine the images whose names match the
-style filename expression. Assume a grid with a specific size:
pamundice {{filename_%1d_%1a.ppm}} -across {{grid_width}} -down {{grid_height}} > {{path/to/output.ppm}}
- Assume that the tiles overlap horizontally and vertically by the specified amount:
pamundice {{filename_%1d_%1a.ppm}} -across {{x_value}} -down {{y_value}} -hoverlap {{value}} -voverlap {{value}} > {{path/to/output.ppm}}
- Specify the images to be combined through a text file containing one filename per line:
pamundice -listfile {{path/to/file.txt}} -across {{x_value}} -down {{y_value}} > {{path/to/output.ppm}}