expac Command Examples
A data extraction tool for alpm databases, offering printf-like flexibility for pacman-based utilities. See also:
. More information: https://github.com/falconindy/expac.
- List the dependencies of a package:
expac -S '%D' {{package}}
- List the optional dependencies of a package:
expac -S "%o" {{package}}
- List the download size of packages in MiB:
expac -S -H M '%k\t%n' {{package1 package2 ...}}
- List packages marked for upgrade with their download size:
expac -S -H M '%k\t%n' $(pacman -Qqu) | sort -sh
- List explicitly-installed packages with their optional dependencies:
expac -d '\n\n' -l '\n\t' -Q '%n\n\t%O' $(pacman -Qeq)